Tuckshop volunteers needed
Water Tuckshop relies on the generosity of volunteers to make it a
success. Each year we lose some of our
dedicated helpers, due to children moving to high school or parents going back
to work, so to make the load lighter for our volunteers we need as many helpers
as we can get –mums, dads, and grandparents.
NB: non-parent volunteers (i.e. grandparents) will need to have a current Blue
Card (free for volunteers) before commencing at Tuckshop.
days are Wednesday to Friday and "normal" volunteer hours are 9.00am–1.30pm.
To say 'Thank-you' we provide Morning Tea and Lunch on your rostered day.
health and safety reasons we require volunteers to sign-in at the office &
in Tuckshop, wear closed in shoes, wear clean & comfortable clothing and
tie back long hair. If all of this appeals to you and you are able to help
please fill in the form below and return it to the office or direct to
Debbie Ahern
Tuckshop Convenor
Agnes Water State School
Telephone: (07) 4974 9527