The school tuckshop is operated by the P&C. A full-time convenor operates and manages this facility. Volunteers are always required to help staff the tuckshop.
Our has been designed to meet the requirements of the Smart Choices - Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy for Queensland Schools. We prepare a range of healthy meals on-site using fresh ingredients.
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We need you
Volunteering in the tuckshop is a great way to be involved with your child's school and meet new friends at the same time.
Drop in, introduce yourself and have a look around, or give us a call on (07) 4974 9527 between 8.30 am and 2.00 pm Wednesday, Thursday and Friday or telephone (07) 4974 7094 after hours.
By volunteering your time, this allows the profits from the tuckshop to be passed onto the P&C to help fund worthwhile projects within our school community.
Debbie Ahern